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ex, while one of the shorter words in the language, has perhaps been the subject of more discussion than any other aspect

of human behavior. Dr. Lewinsohn is not interested in worrying the subject in the ways that have lately become so familiar. His approach is not statistical, not psychoanalytic. It is historical. He traces, with documentation and detachment, the story of human sex-life in relation to the arts, the social structure, law, medicine, superstition and customs, historical change.

Since the dawn of history, as Dr. Lewinsohn relates, man has honored asceticism and the most extreme forms of sexual curiosity; has punished the breach of the marriage vows by death and passed through periods when it was considered ridiculous if not actually foolhardy for a woman to love her husband. In Babylon, man offered his women to the temple gods as prostitutes, in Egypt insisted on incestuous wedlock for his Pharaohs. Woman has been chattel and goddess, "oracle and the instrument of the devil. Man's sex life is more than his acts, and much of the fascina-

Author of Animals, Mon and Myths

PAN-Graphic, PRESS

ting detail in this book is concerned with his amazingly varied attitudes.

ABRAHAM STONE, M.D., author of A Marrige Manual and other books, has this to say of the approach, purpose and value of A HISTORY OF SEXUAL CUSTOMS: "Dr. Lewinsohn's book is a sober, dignified and scholarly presentation... I, feel that the volume makes a very valuable contribution to our understanding of sex mores and sex behav lor in the history of man.”

Some of the aspects discussed Polygamy • Ovid on Free Love

The Mysteries of Pompeli • The Anti-Feminist Revolution • Aesthetics and Sex The Of fice of the Eunuch • The Enigma of Casanova⚫ Wigs and Crinolines · Police State and Temple Prostitutes

Romance •

• Suttee and the Art of Love • Intercourse with the Devil Victories of Knowledge


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